Rewarding Fan Loyalty

Making Surprise and Delight A Cornerstone Tenet

Miguel Senquiz


One of the more interesting and rewarding things we’ve seen on since our launch last year has been photos from members freaking out over physical packages. It’s not often today that a digital service comes along with something in the mail, and even more rare when it’s an unexpected surprise.

We’re strong believers that loyalty grows when you surprise and delight people. And it’s no surprise that going above and beyond their expectations has tangible benefits, including but not limited to:

We had a chance to talk to Blaise D’Angelo of Owsla about their recent mail out.

Q: Why did you guys decide to do membership cards and tote bags?

The cards were a must - we wanted everyone to feel like they belong to this community, and having something tangible to hold seemed like a great way to do that. They’ll also make it easier for us to identify Nest members at shows and events.

Q: What kinds of benefits come with the cards? If you see someone at an event with a card, do you buy them a shot?

A: ????

Q: Do you think the cost to manufacture and ship these items was worth it?

A: Yeah without question. Especially in the early phases of this project (we are now 5 months in), it’s important to re-invest in the product and the experience.

Q: What do you think the benefits are of doing this kind of program for members? What do you hope the outcome is?

A: We hope it brings everyone closer as they all feel more a part of the community. We’re confident that being good to our members will result in them being good to us and spreading the word about our service.

Q: As you gain more members, do you plan on sending more of these in batches, or do members need to reach a certain status in the system to be eligible?

A: We’d definitely like to switch to a status system for this and other things, and we’re currently working with [drip] on some sort of reward system.

Send us your photos and success stories

Since we launched, there have been a few really awesome examples but we were unable to find all the fan pictures. We’re compiling photos for feature, so if you have something share it with us for inclusion (




Miguel Senquiz

Hey there! I'm Miguel, a tech/music enthusiast. I've decided to take a break from the fast-paced digital realm to embark on an exciting food side quest.